Braeden Scally


In Totara North, a small settlement near the top of New Zealand’s North Island, sits the last Kauri mill in New Zealand. Braeden Scally is looking into how the heritage site could be repurposed through his thesis research ‘Forget me not’. Read on to find out more…


Student Architecture Network New Zealand: What is your thesis about?
Braeden Scally: The old Kauri mill in Totara North, Whangaroa Harbour, was originally used to mill timber for boat building from the 1870s.  It changed hands in 2004 and has since been sitting there derelict and waiting for something… I’m interested in repurposing the site and how you can use the history of a place to drive a modern interpretation. There is a lot of history to the place so ideally my thesis will also include insight into the people that used to work there, particularly because it is the last remaining Kauri mill in the world.


SANNZ: Who is your supervisor and why did you choose to work with them?
BS: Dushko, mostly because of my initial proposal (which has now changed) and Peter McPhereson because he’s switched on.

SANNZ: When you started your masters in fourth year, did you think your thesis would take this direction?
BS: Nope. I had no idea about what I wanted to do…

SANNZ: Do you work while studying? How do you find the balance?
BS: Not really apart from tutoring a class at Unitec. I have my own business that I develop during the summer break.


SANNZ: What was your favourite studio project?
BS: The Vanuatu project I worked on in fourth year (which was actually my first group studio project) because it was a real project, dealing with real people. Following a cyclone twelve students and tutors travelled to Vanuatu to develop a masterplan that could be used to rebuild the area. The week-long intensive project was to help these people help themselves following the disaster.

SANNZ: What keeps you occupied outside of study?
BS: Surfing and skating.

SANNZ: What do you enjoy most about architecture school? Or, what will you miss the most about architecture school when you leave?
BS: The freedom of being as creative as possible and always coming up with new ideas. Working in an office full-time I think you probably lose that freedom. You pretty much just become an office bitch when you graduate…


SANNZ: What is your favourite time of the day?
BS: 5pm/knock off time. I’m an early starter so prefer to get all my work done during the day rather than staying up all night.


Nina Boyd


Mischa Culhane