show us your portfolio.

Renee Veltman
This week we are chatting with Renee Veltman about her awesome projects from last year and how she gets inspirations for them.

Bonnie Gray
Welcome to the first Show Us Your Portfolio of 2023! And our first ever AUT Student!! Bonnie Gray sits down with us and talks us through her practice. Read to find out more :)

Janae van Panahon
Today we have University of Auckland student Janae van Panahon sharing some of her work and insights with us. Keep scrolling to learn more :)

Grace McLean
This week we are talking to Grace Mclean about her 412 project; The Titahi Bay Village Centre!

Kelly Ting
This week we are chatting to Kelly Ting about her amazing projects from 2021! Read on to find out how she and her partner won an architectural competition in lockdown!

Kelly Liang
For this edition of SUYP, we have Kelly Liang from the University of Auckland answering some questions about her virtual summer internship! Read on for all the details!

Oliver Prisk
VUW Masters student Oliver Prisk is sharing his amazing project from his fourth year! Read on to hear about the way he expresses his creative work and his experience as he starts his thesis year!
Tom Arbuckle
Today, Victoria University of Wellington student, Tom Arbuckle, is sharing his portfolio. We spoke to Tom about his use of analogue and digital techniques, his love for deconstructivism and how to keep sane when studying architecture in isolation!

Hamish Wilson
Masters student Hamish Wilson is sharing his media practice and the driving force in his designs in this edition of Show Us Your Portfolio!

Adam Collett
Adam Collett is a 3rd-year student from Unitec, Auckland, and he shares his portfolio and talks to us about how his art, architecture, and analytical analysis interconnect to create unique design processes and outcomes.