Jonnel Mamauag


Jonnel tells us about his research into kiwi architectural identity in this week’s ‘Show Us Your Thesis’ post from Unitec. Read on to find out more…


Student Architecture Network New Zealand: What is your thesis about?
Jonnel Mamauag: ‘Made in New Zealand’ – looking at New Zealand’s architectural identity. It’s something of a typological study of NZ in an urban context culminating in the design of a mixed-use development. 

SANNZ: Who is your supervisor and why did you choose to work with them?
Jonnel: Kerry Francis, because he’s a designer and that’s what I aspire to be – he has design skills other than Revit.

SANNZ: When you started you masters program in fourth year, did you think your thesis would take this direction?
Jonnel: Yes… I was always interested in assemblage, the why & how things come together. How X gets made. Just not at this large a scale.


SANNZ: Do you work while studying? How do you find the balance?
Jonnel: Yes I work 24 hours a week at a construction firm. I don’t find the balance! I just do it.

SANNZ:  What keeps you occupied outside of study?
Jonnel: Friends and sports, basketball specifically. I used to play in high school and I want to play again. Maybe coach if I can.


SANNZ: What do you enjoy most about architecture school? Or, what will you miss the most about architecture school when you leave?
Jonnel: Too many too mention for this one. I enjoyed the people, there’s a lot of variety here. I’ll miss the risk I can take in school, going to be a bit harder in the workplace I think.

SANNZ: Where are you from?  What’s your opinion of the architecture or built environment there?
Jonnel: I was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. The built environment in the Philippines seems to be always a “work in progress”, and the inequality of wealth is really apparent in how districts are set up. Lots of history and some Spanish patina because we were a colony (of Spain) for 300+ years. 


Will Gorton


Alice O’Brien Gortner