2016 Photo Gallery

Hosted by Unitec 23-24 September, 2016

Auckland’s pretty screwed. The year is 2032. The Auckland Unitary plan has been exhausted and has breached capacity. The responses to a rapid need for high density housing, commercial, and educational building stock have led to poor living and working environments.

Auckland is now the world’s most dense, un-liveable city. Suburbia has relentlessly persisted, sprawling out of control, making the daily commute unrealistic for suburbanites to sustain the work/life balance. All transport systems and infrastructure have failed to meet modern capacities. There is immense pressure on Auckland Council, who are desperate for a solution.

Hoculus Sift, a Virtual Technology company, backs themselves to answer to the city’s crisis. Their proposition is a radical way of living where users can work and socialise remotely using Hoculus Sift headsets significantly reducing their commute. Hoculus Sift require architects to brainstorm and present creative solutions embracing this technology…


2017 Photo Gallery