show us your portfolio.

Leslie Son
Leslie is a 4th-year student at the University of Auckland and shares how his exchange to Seoul, Korea reinvigorated his passion for design and how this has shaped the direction of his projects moving forward.

Mohesh Radhakrishnan
Today we are chatting to Mohesh - a 5th year student from Victoria University of Wellington. Mohesh lets us in on what inspires him and drives his architecture designs to the next level!

Bhavya Gajjar
Today we are chatting to Bhavya, a 5th year student from Unitec in Auckland. This section of work is from her 3rd and 4th year studio work!

Lise Jansen-Luke
We are happy to have our friend and recent graduate Lise show us her portfolio today! Lise is now in 4th year at the University of Auckland and absolutely killing it!

Myint San Aung
This week's show us your portfolio features an amazing selection of works from 5th year Unitec student, Myint San Aung. The selection of work on display is from his 4th year of study, drawing upon design thinking, abstraction of narratives as well as observational sketches.

Alex Ensor
Alex Ensor is a Masters of Architecture Professional and Heritage Conservation! We talk to Alex about his favourite design brief which he completed in his last year of his Bachelors.

Sophie Sangster
This week's show us your portfolio features the incredible work of Sophie Sangster from Victoria University of Wellington. Her work from SARC455 House and Home investigates the relationship between a person and the world through models.
What was out your window during lockdown? Was it inspiring? Claustrophobic? Strange? Beautiful?

Rohan Sadhu
This week Rohan Sadhu from Unitec is showcasing his First year project based on the intricate and captivating qualities of Ancient Hindu Temples!

Gregory Mann
To kick things off we have our first SUYP for 2021 with the talented Gregory Mann from Unitec, showcasing his second-year project: A Centre for Kingsland.

Raphael Angelo Gannaban
Today Raphael is sharing his design work, from his humble start inspired by Blues’s Clues to digital graphics, laser cutting and animations! Despite only being in his second year of studies, Raphael offers a strong portfolio and some strong advise about how to make the most of your time at architecture school!

Oliver Higgins
Oliver is a 4th-year Masters of Architecture student at Unitec who compiled his portfolio during a period of Covid-19 lockdown creativity. Oliver talks to us about how his travels (pre covid) have inspired his design style and how he use photographs to inform his work!

Isabella Muirhead
In SUYP Isabella is sharing the first glimpse of who she is as a designer. The projects to date showcase a wide variety of methods and a focus on creating moments, with a notable project exploring the theology of picnicking!

Miranda Emza
Today we are excited to talk to Miranda Emza, a fourth year student for Victoria! Miranda talks to us about her experiences travelling overseas and showcases her favourite projects. Miranda’s portfolio showcases a wide range of projects including one which received highly commended in the NZIA Wellington Library Competition!

Billy Wallis
Billy is a third year architecture student from the University of Auckland, who started compiling his favourite works through his summer break at home in Taupō. Billy loves exploring different media types in his design, including using melting soap to create a site model, inspired by Peter Zumthor’s wax modelling.

Sam Jones
We are delighted that for our first entry, we are able to share Sam Jones’ portfolio with you! Sam is a third year student from the University of Auckland. His portfolio has an extensive range of work from all years and utilises a strong mix of 1:1 scale models, scale models, sketching, graphic design and renders!